Data Source

Service-Center support multiple DB configurations. Configure app.yaml according to your needs.

  # buildin, etcd, embedded_etcd, mongo
  kind: etcd
  # registry cache, if this option value set 0, service center can run
  # in lower memory but no longer push the events to client.
    mode: 1
    # the cache will be clear after X, if not set cache will be never clear
  # enabled if registry.kind equal to etcd or embedded_etcd
field description required value
registry.kind database type (etcd or mongo) yes etcd / embedded_etcd /mongo
registry.cache.mode open cache (1 is on, 0 is off) yes 1 / 0
registry.cache.ttl cache timeout (if not set cache will be never clear) no an integer time, like 30s/20m/10h


Download the etcd according to your own environment. Etcd Installation package address.

Configure app.yaml according to your needs.

  # the interval of etcd health check, aggregation conflict check and sync loop
  autoSyncInterval: 30s
    # indicate how many revision you want to keep in etcd
    indexDelta: 100
    interval: 12h
    # if registry_plugin equals to 'embedded_etcd', then
    # name: sc-0
    # managerEndpoints:"
    # endpoints: sc-0=
    # if registry_plugin equals to 'etcd', then
    # endpoints:
  # the timeout for failing to establish a connection
    timeout: 10s
  # the timeout for failing to read response of registry
    timeout: 30s
field description required value
registry.etcd.autoSyncInterval synchronization interval yes an integer time, like 30s/20m/10h
registry.etcd.compact.indexDelta version retained in etcd yes a 64 bit integer, like 100
registry.etcd.compact.interval compression interval yes an integer time, like 30s/20m/10h
registry.etcd.cluster.endpoints endpoints address yes string, like
registry.etcd.connect.timeout the timeout for establishing a connection yes an integer time, like 30s/20m/10h
registry.etcd.request.timeout request timeout yes an integer time, like 30s/20m/10h

Download the installation package according to the environment information

  1. Download etcd package.
  2. Unzip, modify the configuration and start etcd.
  3. Download the latest release from ServiceComb Website.
  4. Decompress, modify /conf/app.yaml.
  5. Execute the start script to run service center


Download the mongodb according to your own environment. Mongodb Installation package address.

Configure app.yaml according to your needs.

    uri: mongodb://localhost:27017
    sslEnabled: false
    rootCAFile: /opt/ssl/ca.pem
    verifyPeer: false
    certFile: /opt/ssl/client.crt
    keyFile: /opt/ssl/client.key
field description required value
registry.mongo.cluster.uri mongodb server address yes string, like mongodb://localhost:27017
registry.mongo.cluster.sslEnabled ssl enabled / not enabled yes false / true
registry.mongo.cluster.rootCAFile if sslEnabled equal true, should set CA file path yes string, like /opt/ssl/ca.pem
registry.mongo.cluster.verifyPeer insecure skip verify yes false / true
registry.mongo.cluster.certFile the cert file path need to be set according to the configuration of mongodb server no string, like /opt/ssl/client.crt
registry.mongo.cluster.keyFile the key file path need to be set according to the configuration of mongodb server no string, like /opt/ssl/client.key

Download the installation package according to the environment information

  1. Download mongodb package.
  2. Unzip, modify the configuration and start mongodb. Mongodb configure ssl.
  3. Download the latest release from ServiceComb Website.
  4. Decompress, modify /conf/app.yaml.
  5. Execute the start script to run service center