Quick Start

Getting Service Center

The easiest way to get Service Center is to use one of the pre-built release binaries which are available for Linux, Windows and Docker.

Running Service Center using the Release

You can download our latest release from ServiceComb Website.When you get these release, you can execute the start script to run Service Center.






docker pull servicecomb/service-center
docker run -d -p 30100:30100 servicecomb/service-center

Note: The Releases of Service-Center uses emebeded etcd, if you want to use the seperate instance of etcd then you can deploy the etcd seperately and configure the etcd ip over here.

vi conf/app.conf

## Edit this file
# registry address
# 1. if registry_plugin equals to 'embedded_etcd'
# manager_name = "sc-0"
# manager_addr = ""
# manager_cluster = "sc-0="
# 2. if registry_plugin equals to 'etcd'
# manager_cluster = ""
manager_cluster = ""

By default the SC comes up on, however you can change the configuration of these address over here.

vi conf/app.conf

httpaddr =
httpport = 30100

Building & Running Service-Center from source


  • Go version 1.8+ is required to build the latest version of Service-Center.

Download the Code

git clone https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-service-center.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/apache/servicecomb-service-center
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/apache/servicecomb-service-center


you can download dependencies directly using command go mod. Please follow below steps to download all the dependency.

# greater than go1.11
GO111MODULE=on go mod download
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor

Build the Service-Center

go build -o service-center

First, you need to run a etcd(version: 3.x) as a database service and then modify the etcd IP and port in the Service Center configuration file (./etc/conf/app.conf : manager_cluster).

wget https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v3.1.8/etcd-v3.1.8-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -xvf etcd-v3.1.8-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v3.1.8-linux-amd64

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/apache/servicecomb-service-center
cp -r ./etc/conf .

This will bring up Service Center listening on ip/port for service communication.If you want to change the listening ip/port, you can modify it in the Service Center configuration file (./conf/app.conf : httpaddr,httpport).

Running Frontend using the Release

You can download our latest release from ServiceComb Website and then untar it and run start-frontend.sh/start-frontend.bat. This will bring up the Service-Center UI on





Note: By default frontend runs on, if you want to change this then you can change it in conf/app.conf.


You can follow the guide over here to run the Frontend from source.