Access Distinct Clusters

ServiceCenter Aggregate Architecture

In the Multiple Datacenters article, we introduce the aggregation architecture of service center. In fact, this aggregation architecture of service center can be applied not only to the scene deployed in multiple datacenters, but also to the scene services data aggregation in multiple kubernetes clusters.



The service centers deployed in distinct kubernetes clusters can communicate with each other, sync the services data from other kubernetes clusters. Applications can discover services from different the kubernetes cluster through using the service center HTTP API. It solve the problem of isolation between kubernetes clusters.

Quick Start

Let’s assume you want to install 2 clusters of Service-Center in different Kubernetes clusters with following details.

Cluster Kubernetes namespace Node
sc1 k1 default
sc2 k2 default

To facilitate deployment, we will publish the service address of the service center in [NodePort] mode.

Deploy the Service Center

Using helm to deploy the service center to kubernetes here, the instructions for specific values can be referred to here.

Take deployment to kubernetes cluster 1 as an example.

# login the k1 kubernetes master node to deploy sc1
git clone
cd examples/infrastructures/k8s
helm install --name k1 \
    --set sc.discovery.clusters="sc2=" \
    --set sc.discovery.aggregate="k8s\,servicecenter" \
    --set sc.registry.type="buildin" \
    --set sc.service.type=NodePort \

Notes: To deploy Service Center in kuberbetes cluster 2, you can repeat the above steps and just change the sc.discovery.clusters value to sc1=

Start Server

Edit the configuration of the ip/port on which Server will register.

vi examples/discovery/server/conf/chassis.yaml

Replace the below values

      type: servicecenter
      address: # the address of SC in dc-2

Run the Server

go run examples/discovery/server/main.go

Start Client

Edit the configuration of the ip/port on which Client will register and discover.

vi examples/discovery/client/conf/chassis.yaml

Replace the below values

        type: servicecenter
        address: # the address of SC in dc-1
        type: servicecenter
        address: # the address of SC Aggregate

Run the Client

go run examples/discovery/client/main.go

Confirm the multiple datacenters discovery is OK

Since client is not a service, we check its running log.

2018-09-29 10:30:25.556 +08:00 INFO registry/bootstrap.go:69 Register [Client] success
2018-09-29 10:30:25.566 +08:00 WARN servicecenter/servicecenter.go:324 55c783c5c38e11e8951f0a58ac00011d Get instances from remote, key: default Server
2018-09-29 10:30:25.566 +08:00 INFO client/client_manager.go:86 Create client for highway:Server:
2018/09/29 10:30:25 AddEmploy ------------------------------ employList:<name:"One" phone:"15989351111" >